Recently, LHU in association with Prof. Dr. Scott Danielson from Arizona State University - an educational expert of BUILD-IT Project held a workshop on ABET Accreditation focusing on training objectives, outcome standards and assessment methods.
Prof. Dr. Scott Danielson wholeheartedly supported LHU to prepare for ABET Accreditation
This activity lies in a series of activities to support members under the project BUILD-IT - improving higher education capacity funded by the US Government and Arizona State University.
This was the third workshop since the University deployed the project. This workshop provided lecturers and staff with more basic knowledge and experience towards the ABET standards, preparing for the integration of regional and international education standards.
At the training, Dr. Scott Danielson helped participants access innovative teaching methods, build a dynamic learner-centered classroom. "Student" is the first standard to be consider. This standard requires teaching units to monitor students' development to help them achieve desired results, supporting learners through advisory board. Next, "Training objectives" describe learners' abilities after some years of graduation. The training objectives must be developed in accordance with the university's mission and based on the needs of many factors such as enterprises, alumni, lecturers,...Thereby, ABET assesses the success of a program based on the results achieved by learners not lecturers.
Lecturers of IT Faculty take efforts to join in self-assessment processes
The workshop provided lecturers with training objectives, program outcomes and assessment methods according to regional and international educational standards
Over the past years, LHU has wholeheartedly made efforts for its training program accreditation. In early 2018, LHU was the first university in Dong Nai province to meet education accreditation standards, evaluated by the Education Accreditation Council - VNU-HCM. At the same time, it participated in some international projects to affirm its training quality such as BUILD - IT Project, AUN-QA assessment and most recently EMVITET Project with the education ecosystem 4.0
Source from LHU